
Security vendor Gov't Compliance

Say what you will about wikileaks being ‘evil’.  If Gov’t and businesses didn’t do such shady shit, there would be far less ominous information to report.

What vendors spy on customers for Gov’t.

Stepping aside from the instinct to view this a paranoid babble, please take a moment to remember that a deliberately designed back door, is only a few steps short of an unauthorized intrusion.  When you design deliberate flaws like this for the ease of authority auditing requests, the ‘bad guys’ are just as likely to obtain the same level of access.


CarrierIQ Malware

I dropped some FB links on this software, but since the vendor attempted to shut down the researchers info, I feel it necessary to share more info about this malware, and it’s auditing functions.  Let’s not mash words here, this is certainly some nasty rootkit action on android devices (and who knows what else).

Video of Rootkit in action.

Original info list with debug list of features can be found here.

For anyone who thinks of their phone as more secure than a regular PC, please think again.